Fear Free Pet Grooming

Now Available for Calgary Dogs at the Classy Canine- Grooming Studio!

Im proud to be part of the Fear Free initiative, which is all about making grooming a stress-free and positive experience for your furry friends. Many pets can find grooming visits stressful, but with Fear Free techniques, we aim to ease their fear, anxiety, and stress.

The Fear Free groomer certification program has taught me how to use positive training methods to ensure that every pet enjoys their grooming experience to the fullest. To become certified, I completed a comprehensive educational course and exam, and I continue to take ongoing education to maintain my certification

Fear Free Grooming at The Classy Canine

Fear Free Grooming at The Classy Canine

  • No two dogs are the same when it comes to their fears and worries during grooming. Some dogs are nervous simply being in a new environment, while others are fearful about specific parts of the grooming process like the bathtub, hair dryer, or having their feet handled.

    I watch for the smallest signs of stress in your dog and adjusts the pace, technique, and even the location of the grooming process to ensure your dog’s comfort—whether that means slowing down or even grooming your dog on the floor instead of up on a grooming table.

  • Most professional groomers get into their line of work because they love working with and caring for animals. All our professionally trained groomers work daily to deliver beautiful results and happy experiences for pets and owners.

    However, some dogs suffer extreme stress around the grooming process. The Certified Fear Free Grooming program was created to help experienced groomers incorporate science-based positive training into their everyday work.

    The foundation of Fear Free Grooming is built on a pledge to employ positive, reward-based training as part of an emotionally protective approach to pet grooming. With an emphasis on learning to recognize any sign of stress in your dog (no matter how small),

    Fear Free Grooming lets the dog guide the grooming experience. This is an approach to grooming built on patience and trust with the goal of getting your dog more comfortable at their grooming appointments over time.

  • Rather than focusing the appointment on completing a checklist of tasks, Fear Free Grooming appointments are first and foremost about helping your dog overcome their fear, anxiety, and stress during the grooming process.

    I will do as much work as possible without pushing your dog to a place of stress. Using the first session as a guide, I will work with you to build a plan for getting your dog comfortable with regular grooming using positive, rewards-based training methods. I will even provide advice on how to best prepare your dog for their grooming appointments, from at-home behaviors to planning for a low-stress car ride to the Dog Spa.

    Sometimes the dogs grooming process will need to be divided into multiple sessions, the dog's well-being and comfort are prioritized. This approach allows the groomer to work at a pace that suits the individual dog, reducing stress and anxiety while maintaining a positive grooming experience. It also helps build trust and cooperation over time, ensuring a more successful and fear-free grooming outcome.

About Fear Free Grooming

Here's how a fear-free meet and treat approach is applied in dog grooming:

  • The grooming area is prepared to be comfortable and calming for the dog. This includes minimizing noise, using soothing music, ensuring appropriate lighting, and providing a cozy and secure space for the dog to relax.

  • I take time to introduce myself to the dog and establish a bond based on trust. I allow the dog to explore the grooming area at their own pace, sniffing the tools and becoming familiar with the environment. This step helps reduce anxiety and creates a positive association with the grooming space.

  • I use positive reinforcement techniques to reward the dog for calm and cooperative behavior. Treats, praise, and gentle petting are used as rewards for the dog's cooperation. This encourages the dog to associate grooming with positive experiences and builds their trust in me.

  • The grooming process is introduced gradually, allowing the dog to become comfortable with each step. The groomer may start with simple and less invasive tasks

Fear Free Services

I practice Fear Free grooming techniques with all my services but if your dog has anxiety or needs a bit more time to get comfortable with a situation this is for you!

  • (please book this prior to your 1st fear free Grooming session )

    During a meet and treat session, I take the time to introduce myself to your dog and establish a bond based on trust.

    I also use positive reinforcement techniques to reward your dog for calm and cooperative behavior. This can include treats, gentle praise, and soothing petting. By rewarding your dog for their good behavior, we create a positive association with the grooming experience, making it more enjoyable for them.

    Takes 15 minutes outside my house or we can meet at a nearby park ( this service is free of charge)

    My meet and treat approach is designed to prioritize your dog's emotional well-being, providing them with a positive grooming experience.

  • I allow your dog to explore the grooming area at their own pace, sniffing the tools and becoming familiar with the environment. This helps to reduce any anxiety or fear they may have.

    I start with simple and less invasive tasks, such as gentle brushing, and progress at a pace that your dog is comfortable with. This ensures that your dog feels more relaxed and confident throughout the grooming session.

    Please note that I may not be able to complete your dogs groom in one session depending on stress level .

    Book a Fear Free Grooming Session

Fear Free Techniques used at my Grooming Studio.

I want to make sure your pet feels safe, secure, and comfortable when visiting. My strategies revolve around reducing the anxiety for your pet and making grooming a calming experience. I do so by:

  • Minimizing restraint with special handling techniques that are gentle and accommodate your pet’s comfort level

  • Treats for positive association or distraction

  • Toys provided as a distraction during stressful events

  • “Happy Hoodie” during blow-drying to minimize loud sounds

  • Accommodating the grooming process to your pet’s needs, phobias, and comfortability.

  • No Kennels

  • Soft orthopedic surface on table to stand/lay on.

  • Your dog is given a choice, nothing is forced during the grooming process which will cause your dog stress.

  • Only take 3 appointments per day

  • Use of calming dog friendly pheromones (adaptil spray) . 

  • Home based studio with calm atmosphere 

Fear Free Client Handouts

  • Fear Free Grooming: How You Can Help Out at Home

    The grooming salon can be a source of stress for some pets due to the procedures we have to accomplish. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take at home to help your dog feel more relaxed when in the salon. Use this handout to education your owners on how they can help make their pet’s Fear Free grooming experience the best it can be.

  • What is Fear Free Grooming?

    a Fear Free Groomer, will transform the way their pet is groomed and help them to lead a happier, healthier and cleaner life.

  • Training as Enrichment: Doggie “Spaw” Day

    By using reward-based techniques, you can create a “spaw day” for your dog right at home! From necessary procedures such as nail trims and brushing to calming “doga,” you can help your dog relax at home.

  • Nail Trims: Trimming Away the Terror

    Nail trims are a common source of stress for pets and owners alike, but there are many things you can do to set yourself and your pet up for success with at-home nail care.

  • Preventing Separation Anxiety

    A dog with separation anxiety shows distress when separated from family members. We don’t know exactly what causes separation anxiety; some dogs may be genetically predisposed, or it may be a learned behavior or a combination of both. Use this handout to help prevent separation anxiety from even starting.

  • Senior Dogs: Special Concerns & Solutions

    A greying muzzle is only one of what can be many changes a dog experiences as they reach their golden years. You can improve senior pets’ quality of life by being aware of these common changes and taking action.

  • DIY Enrichment Ideas for Dogs

    Being stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t enrich your pet’s life. Use these Do-It-Yourself enrichment tips and activities to help keep you and your dog healthy, happy, and Fear Free.

  • Muzzle Training Education

    muzzle training and how it can benefit your pet.